" I Am the Reflection of Light
from the Sun In Times of Darkness."
Ambrosia NaShae
~Advocate for the Transformative Power of Love~

Ambrosia Na’Shae is a Writer, Mother, Scientist and Pathfinder currently residing in Richmond, VA. She has a love for improving the quality of biomedical sciences and teaching; however, her Soul’s calling is Advocating for the Power of Transformative Love. Through her role as an Educator and Pathfinder, she shows others how to Navigate through Life Experiences and Overcome the Existential/Life Changes to keep Love Thriving within this world.
She enlightens the Path so that others can Heal, Evolve and Transform through Innerstanding that Love is the Highest Vibration. She spreads this message of Self-Healing and Self-Discovery through her many endeavors as a Sage, Yogi and Creative Arts Connoisseur. She also Inspires others to connect with the synergy of their Mind, Body and Soul by sharing personal experiences and practices.