Cosmic Oracle Reading
The C.O.R.E. of the Moon Goddess: Galactic Profile Charting & Navigation Map System
Service Description
The Moon Goddess: Cosmic Oracle Reading is an Evolutionary energy (C.O.R.E.) reading that reveals the creative nature of your energetic essence as an multidimensional being. It provides you with the insight to innerstand the collaborative nature of your soul, emotions, mental, and physical as well as how your spiritually guided to navigate within this 3D human experience to fulfill your Divine Life Purpose and Liberate your Divine Abundance. By innerstanding the workings of your energy, you will catalyze your own energy source and activate your personal power within your physical avatar to carry out your Journey of Self-RA'membrance to Self-Mastery. This reading provides you with the Heart-Knowing insight to Evolve within Self and Create the Life that you are called to actualize externally in this 3D experience and beyond. The Cosmic Oracle Reading of Energetic Evolution (C.O.R.E.) is the primary praxis of the Moon Goddess: Galactic Profile Charting & Navigation Map System.
Cancellation Policy
Peace, Love & Blissings! Please see our *NEWLY UPDATED* booking procedures below: 1. The booking schedule is now made available ~*7 DAYS*~ prior to requested date/time. *Please be advised* - ALL Payments are due at time of booking. 2. Reschedule/cancel your bookings ONLINE up to ~*24 hours*~ prior to the scheduled time/date. *Please be advised* - If canceled no later than ~*6 hours*~ prior to slot time, it will be 50% refundable. (To cancel, 'reply' on your confirmation email with "I would like to cancel my booking.")
Contact Details